Production Blog
Hey, welcome back. This blog is going to be a rollercoaster of topics. Firstly, the overall storyline of the music video. Originally the ideo was that the Main Character was in a toxic relationship with her ex boyfriend. But a male actor could not be produced. So the only option left was to turn the toxic relationship to one on romance to one of friendship. So instead of a male actor arguing with the Main Character before she runs out it will be a female actor. This was difficult on my part as I felt like the ex romance added to the story line. But one must adapt to every situation. Therefore one must move one. The plan is to film the beach scenes later this week probably Thursday or Friday. The next topic of discussion is the props. I have acquired the wired headphones needed for the entire music video. I am also using on of my home towels to use as for the beach scene. As for the means of transportation to the beach. I’m waiting on my friend’s mom to see if she can. I want to leave around 6. While the sun is setting to shoot the scene of the Main character arriving at the beach. Hopefully the weather cooperates. If everything goes smoothly about 40 percent of the video should be filmed by the end of the week.
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